Entertaining and creative. :fived:!
Entertaining and creative. :fived:!
I <3 you more.
Your secret admirer - SarcasmClock
OMG <3 <3 <3
I'm from the FBI. Do not attempt to run. We know where you live, who you are, and what you did at 5:47 PM this sunday in the bathroom to pictures of children in lewd positions. That is all.
PS: <3
You're not the law, I'm the law! I make the rights for me to touch these children!
PS: <3<3<3
Now this is the story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down
And I’d like to take a minute just sit right there
I’ll tell you how I became the prince of a town called bel-air
In west philadelfia born and raised
On the playground where I spent most of my days
Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool
And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys said we’re up in no good
Started making trouble in my neighbourhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
And said you’re moving with your aunte and uncle in bel-air
(only the first three episodes of season one)
I begged and pleaded with her the other day
But she packed my suitcase and sent me on my way
She gave me a kissin’ and she gave me my ticket
I put my walkman on and said I might aswell kick it
First class, yo this is bad,
Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass
Is this what the people of bel-air livin’ like,
Hmm this might be alright!
I whistled for a cab and when it came near the
Licensplate said fresh and had a dice in the mirror
If anything I could say that this cab was rare
But I thought now forget it, yo home to bel-air
I pulled up to a house about seven or eight
And I yelled to the cabby yo, home smell you later
Looked at my kingdom I was finally there
To settle my throne as the prince of bel-air
i ahte teh klawks dis is stupd i dun know hw its gonna pssa dis is so baad i can maek better yuo riun it fr teh rest of us othr arttsts.
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I <3 overgrown tits that look like penises. Thank you for providing me with quality entertainment.
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i ahte teh klawks dis is stupd i dun know hw it pssaed dis is so baad i can maek better yuo riun it fr teh rest of us othr arttsts.
ofmg dat iz waht dey uver reevuwers is liek fundy funie funas
Age 39, Female
The Clock Crew
Joined on 8/11/05